
Ultra File Search!!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Features of Ultra File Search

User interface

    * Easy User friendly interface.
    * Can be launched directly from Windows® Explorer.
    * Only a few Clicks are needed to set the search parameters.

Files and Folders settings

    * Search for Files or Files and Folders or only Folders.
    * Is able to search in Subfolders and in Hidden Subfolders.
    * Is able to search on the basis of several File Masks at the same time.
    * Can use Filename wildcards to specify Files to search.
    * Can search in multiple Drives and/or Folders at the same time.
    * Drives and/or folders prevention check before beginning the Search.
    * Rapid selection of Local or Network Drives or of the single Drive.
    * Rapid selection of the system standard Folder.
    * The Search Path supports UNC names (i.e. \\ComputerName\FolderName).
    * Supports Path lengths greater than 260 characters (max 32767).

Text search parameters settings

    * Search of files which contain one or more words or sentences.
    * Search of Files which do not contain the specified words or sentences.
    * Choice if to search a part of a word or the entire word.
    * Possibility to distinguish between capital and small letters.
    * Automatic exclusion of words search in Media files .
    * Automatic exclusion of words search in System Files.
    * Full support to Unicode Characters.

Date and Size settings

    * Filter for Files Newer than or Older than or within a specific Date range.
    * Possibility to select the Date Range on the basis of hours, Minutes, Seconds.
    * Filter for Files Larger than or Smaller than or within a specific Size range.
    * Possibility to select the Size Range on the basis of Bytes, KB, MB, GB.

Search process

    * High speed search.
    * Low use of the computer memory.
    * The search can be started, put in pause or restarted with a Click.
    * Progress state visualization: Files and Folders found and Total Size.

Results Window

    * Possibility to add results of consecutive searches.
    * The rows of the results are numbered for an easy recognition.
    * The results can be put in order by column: upward, downward or neither of them.
    * Incremental Search in the Window of the Results.
    * Search for Column in the Window of the Results and positioning on the found Items.
    * The results window supports Windows® Explorer functionality (e.g. icons, context menus).
    * Specific actions can be carried out on the results (e.g. Open Folder, Open Containing Folder).
    * The results can be exported in various formats (Plain TXT, Tabbed TXT, CSV, HTML, XML).
    * High speed in exporting the results.

Statistics visualization

    * Shows search statistics as found Files and Folders, Search Time, controlled Objects, Speed.

Search settings

    * The settings are specific for each user.
    * The latest search settings are saved as File Mask, Search Path, Search Text.
    * Items management (File Mask, Search Path, Search Text).


    * Can run from a USB Key or other external storage devices.

Technology and advantages

    * The search is done without the need to use background indexing.
    * No waste of system resource and of extra space on disk.
    * Possibility of an immediate search on the Drives just connected to the computer.
    * The search results are always up to date.