
Resource Hacker 3.4.0!!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Resource Hacker is a freeware  utility to view, modify, rename, add, delete and extract resources in 32bit Windows executables and resource files (*.res). It incorporates an internal resource script compiler and decompiler and works on Win95, Win98, WinME, WinNT, Win2000 and WinXP operating systems.

Viewing Resources: Cursor, Icon, Bitmap, GIF, AVI, and JPG resource images can be viewed. WAV and MIDI audio resources can be played. Menus, Dialogs, MessageTables, StringTables, Accelerators, Delphi Forms, and VersionInfo resources can be viewed as decompiled resource scripts. Menus and Dialogs can also be viewed as they would appear in a running application.

Saving Resources: Resources can be saved as image files (*.ico, *.bmp etc), as script files (*.rc), as binary resource files (*.res), or as untyped binary files (*.bin).

Modifying Resources: Resources can be modified by replacing the resource with a resource located in another file (*.ico, *.bmp, *.res etc) or by using the internal resource script compiler (for menus, dialogs etc). Dialog controls can also be visually moved and/or resized by clicking and dragging the respective dialog controls prior to recompiling with the internal compiler.

Adding Resources: Resources can be added to an application by copying them from external resource files (*.res).

Deleting Resources: Most compilers add resources into applications which are never used by the application. Removing unused resources can reduce an application's size.

Ultra File Search!!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Features of Ultra File Search

User interface

    * Easy User friendly interface.
    * Can be launched directly from Windows® Explorer.
    * Only a few Clicks are needed to set the search parameters.

Files and Folders settings

    * Search for Files or Files and Folders or only Folders.
    * Is able to search in Subfolders and in Hidden Subfolders.
    * Is able to search on the basis of several File Masks at the same time.
    * Can use Filename wildcards to specify Files to search.
    * Can search in multiple Drives and/or Folders at the same time.
    * Drives and/or folders prevention check before beginning the Search.
    * Rapid selection of Local or Network Drives or of the single Drive.
    * Rapid selection of the system standard Folder.
    * The Search Path supports UNC names (i.e. \\ComputerName\FolderName).
    * Supports Path lengths greater than 260 characters (max 32767).

Text search parameters settings

    * Search of files which contain one or more words or sentences.
    * Search of Files which do not contain the specified words or sentences.
    * Choice if to search a part of a word or the entire word.
    * Possibility to distinguish between capital and small letters.
    * Automatic exclusion of words search in Media files .
    * Automatic exclusion of words search in System Files.
    * Full support to Unicode Characters.

Date and Size settings

    * Filter for Files Newer than or Older than or within a specific Date range.
    * Possibility to select the Date Range on the basis of hours, Minutes, Seconds.
    * Filter for Files Larger than or Smaller than or within a specific Size range.
    * Possibility to select the Size Range on the basis of Bytes, KB, MB, GB.

Search process

    * High speed search.
    * Low use of the computer memory.
    * The search can be started, put in pause or restarted with a Click.
    * Progress state visualization: Files and Folders found and Total Size.

Results Window

    * Possibility to add results of consecutive searches.
    * The rows of the results are numbered for an easy recognition.
    * The results can be put in order by column: upward, downward or neither of them.
    * Incremental Search in the Window of the Results.
    * Search for Column in the Window of the Results and positioning on the found Items.
    * The results window supports Windows® Explorer functionality (e.g. icons, context menus).
    * Specific actions can be carried out on the results (e.g. Open Folder, Open Containing Folder).
    * The results can be exported in various formats (Plain TXT, Tabbed TXT, CSV, HTML, XML).
    * High speed in exporting the results.

Statistics visualization

    * Shows search statistics as found Files and Folders, Search Time, controlled Objects, Speed.

Search settings

    * The settings are specific for each user.
    * The latest search settings are saved as File Mask, Search Path, Search Text.
    * Items management (File Mask, Search Path, Search Text).


    * Can run from a USB Key or other external storage devices.

Technology and advantages

    * The search is done without the need to use background indexing.
    * No waste of system resource and of extra space on disk.
    * Possibility of an immediate search on the Drives just connected to the computer.
    * The search results are always up to date.